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Catch up on past events
19/02/24 - SURRENDER The Heart of 12 Step Recovery by: D. Samantha Duggan
09/11/23 - APPG Evidence Session on ‘Mental Health, the 12 Steps & Spirituality’
We were not able to record the evidence session due to restrictions within the House of Lords, but you can download the presentation deck - "Mental Health, the 12 Steps & Spirituality", it contains the key points that Prof. Christopher Cook, Prof. Wendy Dossett and Prof. John Kelly presented throughout the event.
We will shortly have available recordings from each of the speakers.
23/05/23 - APPG Evidence Session on ‘Recovery and Employment - "From Cost to Contribution"’
We were not able to record the evidence session due to restrictions within the House of Lords, but you can download the presentation deck - "From Cost to Contribution", it contains the key points that Dr Samantha Duggan presented throughout the event, Dame Carol Black's recording and presentation deck and a video from Tony Adams MBE.
Host a 12-step public information event at your place of work.
If you are in 12 Step Recovery, liaise with your HR, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing officers/teams at work and see if there is an existing platform or could a platform be created to share your recovery and be more visible in work, e.g. an intranet blog, company newsletter article, slack channel etc.
29/03/22 - APPG Evidence Session on ‘Social Prescribing’
with slides from Ingrid Abreu Scherer, Head of Accelerating Innovation from the National Academy of Social Prescribing; Saera Haque, Social Prescribing Link Worker from Parchmore NHS Medical Centre and Paul Macey, Community Development Lead from Croydon Social P.
On the day we also heard about 12 step Public Information (PI) activities from Robin H, AA Healthcare Liaison Officer; Simon J, NA European PR Chair and Fenella P, NA Vice Chair Government Liaison Representative
The key take aways from the evidence session were:
1) Most people have still not heard of any 12 Step fellowships beyond Alcoholics Anonymous.
2) Most social prescribers have not yet connected any of their patients with a 12 Step fellowship.
3) Therefore that there is significant scope to help many more addicts and alcoholics that still suffer by strengthening the connection between 12 Step fellowships and the world of social prescribing.
30/06/21 - APPG Evidence Session ​on ‘The Value of 12 Step Recovery’
with speakers Prof Keith Humphreys from Stanford University, Dr David Best from University of Derby and Annemarie Ward, CEO FAVOUR UK
The key take aways from the evidence session were:
1) The Cochrane review found that, on the abstinence outcome, 12 Step Facilitation is at least 50% better than the next best interventions (Cognitive Therapies and Motivational Therapies)
2) People in recovery don't just 'get back to zero' but become 'better than well'
3) Policy needs to be implemented.
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